29 Jul 2010

Star Children…(this article by Nikki Pattillo focuses on the group (many now teens and young adults) often referred to as indigo children)

By Nikki Pattillo
For more information see Nikki Pattillo’s website  http://www.starchildren.info

This article focuses on those (many now teens and young adults) often referred to as indigo children)

‘They will stand up and fight for what they think is right and what they believe in. They also know when they are being lied to and manipulated and will not comply with any system that may be limiting or dysfunctional. Indigos also have little or no tolerance for dishonesty. They are here to show us that the archaic systems in schools, government, parenting, and healthcare are not healthy and must change or we will continue to fail globally as a civilization.

Many Indigos battle depression in their young lives. They are such beautiful and brave souls. This is because they see through everyone with great intensity. What happens is these young children are told how wonderful life is. Once they hit puberty, they have hormones coursing through their bodies, changing who they are. They may not make straight A’s, they don’t get scholarships to prestigious colleges, and they don’t feel like they fit in, they fight with their parents, and then they fall into a depression. There are no rose-tinted glasses on these children.

The Indigo children are the first generation to help humanity and are now represented in today’s teenagers. Indigo children are wise beyond their years. “I know that” is a phrase that they frequently use and while it can be frustrating to parents, the truth is that they do know many things. They are also very perceptive about others and are prone to saying the most politically incorrect thing at the most inappropriate moment. But social conventions are not part of their understanding. They know what has to be said and they are not afraid to say it.

Indigos are having a difficult time here on earth. They are called the Ritalin generation, because there are times of extreme behavior problems in these children that created mass prescription of pharmaceutical products such as Ritalin, Wellbutrin, and Adderal. But does the problem lie with the children or with the system that they cannot adjust to? These children were and still are unable to cope with the existing low-level energies and so did what they did best, they rebelled and created a revolution. The generations before them were accustomed to accepting the status quo. Not the Indigos. They represent the calm before the storm so to speak, because they have prepared us for the next generation of even more evolved children, the Crystals.

…. More on Nikki’s website http://www.starchildren.info

22 Jul 2010

PART 1 - Archangel Michael (through Celia Fenn) on the existential crisis of the indigo adolescent and teen...An absolute MUST READ for anyone interested in this subject.

Celia Fenn is an Indigo/Crystal adult who holds MA and PhD degrees in English Literature, and has also studied Art and Music. She worked for 12 years as a University academic before switching to a career in Healing and Therapy. For the past ten years she has helped many people find their own personal healing path to wholeness and inner peace. She is the author of A Guide to Complementary Therapies in South Africa, published by Struik. In the last few years she has worked intensively with Indigo adults and teenagers, as well as children, and has developed specific programs to assist these special beings to find their path in life in peace and balance. She has also appeared on radio and television to discuss her work with Indigo and Crystal children. 
Please visit the website at www.starchild.co.za or email Celia at celia@starchild.co.za.

The Indigo Adolescent & Teenager
The Existential Crisis and its Effects on the Family

from Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

My eighteen year-old son has been diagnosed as bi-polar, although currently refusing meds. He abuses alcohol and marajuana almost daily. Last night, he left a pizza in the oven at 500° for five hours and we all woke up choking on smoke. He had passed out on the sofa, I'm guessing from drinking. My other son woke up and put out the fire just in time. He has continuously put the rest of our family in danger through his criminal activities as well. We have been advised by many professionals to ask him to leave the house. My concern is that he'll get worse. But he may not. What do you think?
I feel helpless in helping him. We've tried everything we know, and that's a lot…
Dearest Ones, this is the first of a two-part channel that will discuss the issues and problems of many Indigo adolescents. We will call the topic of this channel the Indigo “existential crisis”, since it is a crisis of being that affects many Indigos in their mid to late teen-age years.
Often, at the age of about fifteen or sixteen, the young Indigo adult may go into a state of depression or neurotic behavior and begin manifesting destructive or self-destructive patterns of behavior.

PART 2 of Celia Fenn's invaluable insight into the workings of the indigo adolescent and teen mindset...an absolute MUST READ for a deeper understanding of this subject. (See previous blog for PART 1)

The Indigo Adolescent and Teen-Ager
Part II: Role Models and the Existential Crisis

by Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

In our previous channel we spoke to you about the problems of the Indigo adolescent and teen-ager, and how to cope with their existential crisis. We spoke of how the Indigo being comes to the planet to break through entrenched systems, and how, as they do this, they often provide a “mirror” for the family and the community of where dysfunction lies. In this channel we will talk further of the nature of the Existential Crisis, in the hope that this will provide further information and assistance to those of you who are parenting Indigos who have reached this stage in their lives.

A problem that is frequently encountered by parents of Indigos is that their intelligent and often gifted child suddenly loses interest in school.