18 Oct 2011

Occupy Wall Street..A note to my Indigo Child..

Occupy Wall Street ...... A note to my Indigo Child..

Update .... a month later .. there was a happy ending  ..we're good again :)

by Lesley Tara

Hey there..just thinking about you this morning my dear child, rebellious, angry, light filled, sensitive, beautiful Indigo Child. The child who has fought the honorable fight, who refused at the level of his inner knowingness to be part of the old and outworn third dimensional reality, it has cost you dear my child, you have been in much pain, you have numbed your helplessness in the face of overwhelming pressure from us your parents, from the school system, from the media ..to conform..you would, could not, so you became angry, withdrawn, closed off, you found solace in drugs and in unhealthy ways to express yourself..yet all the time you were numbing the helplessness..your innate kindness and open heartedness was your inner radar, yet all the signals you were being given told you this was wrong and that you needed to join the game..your confusion was great..it has been hard to understand the coldness of the world you found yourself in..

You have been working tirelessly to bring love to the planet, unconsciously as it may be, to help your parents open their eyes to their own dysfunctions, to help them see where they had bought into the game..