30 Aug 2014

Black - In the Heart of Darkness there is Light

Illumination  -The Dark Magenta Vibration

Working my way through the colours of the rainbow, this is my story about my illuminating dance with black and Colour Mirrors Bottle G8, Illumination. There are a few moments of spookiness here, don’t be scared, it’s just my personal learning experiences, my lessons and the clearing of old fear patterns - all necessary, all needed and all perfect.

We all walk through a dark night of the soul from time to time, when we are ready to let go of old patterns and are ready to embark on a new path. Everyone’s experience is different and perfect for them. I have been ready to move forward for a long while now, but have been hesitant, afraid, held back by ancient fears. The Universe in all its wisdom knew that, knew that I was ready, and knew if I was going to do it, it really needed to kick my butt!