22 Feb 2015

Red and Green - The Journey to the Center of the Heart

If I should pinpoint the time it began, when that thick blanket of fog and ensuing exhaustion and lethargy descended over my life, I would say it was last October.  I remember because October is usually my absolute favourite time of year, with its’ earthy witchy-ness, changing colours and crunchy leaves it’s the perfect time of year for my inner Celtic pagan goddess and usually a time of great peace for me, but this year, there were no carved pumpkin candle lanterns burning brightly outside my door and all I really recall of the Autumn is the notion of being forced unwillingly into a cosmic boot camp of relentless energies fired by two eclipses and a multitude of powerful solar flares fully intent on  illuminating  all and any still stuck fragments of the ancient core wounding I have carried with me for eons & eons, and demanding that it all be brought up for understanding, forgiveness and release.