29 Jan 2012

Star Child - Indigo Child - Highly Sensitive Child - Teens and Adolescents

Systems Busters - The Indigo Warriors by Celia Fenn

The name “indigo Child” refers to the soul color of Indigo, which indicates a Master Soul who serves as a teacher or healer. Every Indigo Child will undertake this mission of teaching or healing in some way, often merely by being who he or she is.

People who work with Indigos prefer to call these children “kinesthetic learners”, and to suggest that they need modes of learning suited to their energy levels, rather than Ritalin.

Indigos have been coming to our planet for a long time. Some argue that Jesus and Buddha were Indigos, since their mission, on a global scale, was to teach and heal, and to shift the consciousness of humanity.

Star Child - Indigo Child - HSP

The Systems Busters : The Way of the Indigo Warrior
by Celia Fenn"


The name "indigo Child" refers to the soul color of Indigo, which indicates a Master Soul who serves as a teacher or healer. Every Indigo Child will undertake this mission of teaching or healing in some way, often merely by being who he or she is.

People who work with Indigos prefer to call these children "kinesthetic learners", and to suggest that they need modes of learning suited to their energy levels, rather than Ritalin.

Indigos have been coming to our planet for a long time. Some argue that Jesus and Buddha were Indigos, since their mission, on a global scale, was to teach and heal, and to shift the consciousness of humanity.
In the recent past, Indigos began to incarnate on the planet in increasing numbers after World War II, in preparation for the global shift that we are now experiencing. They incarnated among the "baby boom" generation of the fifties and were born to the "flower children" of the sixties. However, at this stage there was not a sufficient number of them on the planet to create significant changes.

7 Jan 2012

2012 The Shift Of Ages

Written by Lesley Tara McDonald - January 2012

Well it’s almost full moon in Cancer, the first full moon of the new year (it will be fully full on the the 9th) and already I’m on an emotional roller coaster and feeling the intensity building as I hit the highs and crash the lows. 

The Cancer full moon is by its very nature an intense one, introvert and emotional and tonight I have an advanced case of pre full moon jitters. I feel such a sense of isolation as though I am wrapped in thick fog and no one remembers I exist. 

Why do I feel this way? What is this full moon asking of me? Why do I feel as though I have been cut of from all human contact? and why are so many situations in my life coming to a close at this time?