27 Mar 2011

My 'Indigo' child

Square Pegs in Round Holes – The Ritalin Generation

By Lesley Tara McDonaldwritten Dec. 2008
I am the mother of a sensitive, angry, rebellious, light filled seventeen year old. Doctors would love to put him on Ritalin to dull the symptoms of his inner pain! No way !! Still it got me thinking about the bigger picture of the so called Indigo Kids. About how we the parents who love them, have, by drugging them, stopped them shaking us awake in order to be ready for the huge planetary awakening now happening. How we risk being sidelined by the grandiosity of the misleading energy around the concept of Indigo children and have let our own need to have ‘special’ children throw us off our course of destiny and the destiny of the planet.