17 May 2012

Adult Indigos, light workers and so forth ...

A gold nugget of information from Irma Kaye Sawyer for those who have grown weary and felt stress and even burnout holding on to the role of cosmic 'Mr or Mrs Fix It'... trying to heal, help and (fix!) loved ones and feeling it is our responsibility to do so. I know I have lived most if not all of my life like this..I am learning to LET GO..to accept and respect each individual's soul journey (no matter how painful it looks from the outside) and learning..to offer support ..but to drop the need to heal, fix (aka control!!) and take on others burdens..not easy but necessary in these awesome times..♥♥♥

Have a blessed week Lesley xx

See: http://www.irmaksawyer.com

Q: Many that identify as Adult Indigos, light workers and so forth have been born into families that were highly dysfunctional and had to endure and overcome abuse and other difficulties. As we have grown stronger and healthier, many have seen their own families of origin become sicker and more dysfunctional. For those who feel that they have been placed there as a form of service, this feels like a failure. Can you please shed some light on this, and how we can feel better about it? Thank you.

A: Beloveds, thank you for your question. It was not your job to fix or change anyone, and it never was. You have left a seed of light with them, and it is up to them whether it will be allowed to flourish. Do know that no acts of mercy, love or compassion are ever wasted, even if those in receipt of them are not in a place to understand or appreciate them at the moment. It was also not your job in many cases to transform the situation, but to allow the situation(s) to transform you. When you look clearly at this, you will see that this has happened, and quite successfully. We had spoken at length in your previous year especially, about the necessity to discontinue toning down your vibration or putting your light under a barrel. 

For some, especially that may be members of your family of origin the vibrational discrepancy has become too great, and a parting of the ways has been indicated. Do understand that we are speaking in generalized terms. There are some that feel strongly that they are to "hang in there" and doing so may indeed be part of their mission. In the bigger picture, we feel that many that are part of this soul grouping are complete in a contractual sense and are being freed up to further pursue their missions in a more committed and complete way. Use the upcoming time in your weather (see the Cosmic Weather for the details on the coming week's aspects) to free yourself from any and all feelings of responsibility, guilt or martyrdom.

It would stand to reason that as you step further into the Aquarian Age, you would need to drop the vestiges of the negative side of the Piscean Age energies. The victim-persecutor-rescuer pattern is well worn indeed, and it is time to put it to rest permanently. Who better than you to complete this task? On another level these family configurations have done a very good job at keeping you in the dark so to speak, about your true nature and abilities. 

As the energies increase on the planet for some, so will the drama and difficulty for a time, but know that this is not a punishment, but an education and training. It is a time where personal responsibility for one's reality and choices are coming to the forefront. If someone does not like what they have created, they are the ones that must work to recreate their reality. As we have said previously, the more beings that are in alignment and radiating out of a place of truth, light and love they widen the road for others to join in this path. Energies that ensnare and cause doubt, fear or hopelessness, are to be avoided. There is a pattern that was borne by many that perhaps they are unlovable, or perhaps have done something wrong. "Love" and acceptance has been the cosmic carrot so to speak, and the ground that was often pulled out from under you as a form of control. You can offer these beings love and compassion, but without a sense of fixing, saving or conforming to them. This can be done, check up. 

Dear ones, do not let the negativity or illusions of others convince you to stay in a role that you were never meant to play permanently. Go shining. There is great love here for you. Shanti.~ The Keepers, 2.19.12

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